
What does MUSIC look like at St John’s CE Primary School?

Music is, in its very essence, a practical and active subject. But it is not just for fun.

Music is powerful; it transcends time and cultures and can speak to us deeply.

As Plato argued:

‘Musical training is a more potent instrument than any other, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul.’

How do we celebrate music at St John's?

  • Music is celebrated in each half-termly topic book.
  • Music is celebrated through school media.
  • Music is celebrated in classroom/shared area displays.
  • Music is celebrated through termly performances and invited guests.

How do we enrich our music curriculum and build aspirations for the future?

  • Educational trips – RNCM, Bridgewater Hall, MEN arena, St Chrysostom’s Church
  • Visiting musicians/workshops
  • KS2 choir 
  • After school club music groups (African drumming and ukuleles)
  • Development of performances - in and out of school (KS2 are preparing for their Nativity performance at St Chrysostom's church)
  • Children are taught about famous musicians and composers of the past and those of the modern world

Last year's Young Voices banner!


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