Parent Events

Parents as Partners in Education

The leadership team at St John's view parents as important partners in the delivery of education for children. We aim to provide a range of different opportunities for us to communicate with you and for you to communicate with us; we do not have one parent forum as we like to hear the views of as many parents as possible. Over the last two years, your feedback has been invaluable in supporting us to improve the school and we encourage you to continue to talk to us in order to help make St John's the best that it can be for the benefit of the children.

How do we communicate with you?

  • We send regular newsletters - curriculum newsletters from the year group teaching team, Reading newsletters from our Reading Leader, monthly newsletters from the Head of School and 'Mooch Around Manchester' newsletters to keep your family busy in the holidays. These newsletters always contain diary dates and are available to view on the 'Letters' page of the school website.
  • We send texts to remind you about important events.
  • We keep our website up to date with important information and policies.
  • We hold regular parent workshops in a variety of curriculum areas across the age-ranges.
  • We invite you to 'Share the Learning' events so that you can enjoy looking at your child's work and classroom with them. A week later we host formal parents' evenings to update you on your child's achievements and next steps.
  • We provide an annual written report about your child.
  • We telephone you, write to you or approach you on the playground to arrange a meeting if we need to talk to you about something specific.

How can you communicate with us?

  • You can speak to a teaching assistant or member of SLT every day when you drop off your child at school. You can speak to the teacher each day when you collect your child in the afternoon.
  • You can make an appointment to speak to a teacher or member of the leadership team by going to the office, telephoning, writing to or emailing us.
  • You can attend an event and complete an evaluation sheet to tell us what you thought.
  • You can attend a coffee morning or feedback event to tell us your views.
  • You can respond to consultation surveys.

Parent Consultations

We are currently consulting parents about their views on the new Relationships & Health Education that has been introduced by the government. This will become statutory in September 2020. We are beginning by holding 1:1 conversations with parents who represent different groups of pupils and our community. Later we will send out a survey to all parents before forming a federation focus group who will create a new Relationships & Health Education Policy. If you would like to be involved in this please contact the school.

Thank you for your continued support of St John's.

Parent Events this year:
Year 1 Read Write Inc Parent Workshop
Year 1 parents were invited to school to attend a Read Write Inc workshop. We spoke about what Read Write Inc is and how they can support their children at home. The workshop included a demonstration of a speed sounds session and an opportunity for parents to ask questions.
Year 4 Reading Cafe 
Year 4 welcomed parents into school to engage with their children and share a story together in our French inspired Reading Cafe. The children and parents enjoyed the time together sharing their favourite books and discovering new ones. 
Macmillan Coffee Morning
We had such a great turn out for this event on Friday 29th September.
Parents, carer and families came to eat cake and drink coffee - and to raise money for this great charity.
Thank you to all who attended and for your generous contributions.
We raised £163.59 in total!
Reception Reading Workshop
Values and Vision Coffee Morning
Our parents enjoyed talking to our staff and pupil Champions of Worship to find out all about our school vision and values. They also enjoyed a warm drink on a cold January day! It was a great turnout and we appreciate all the positive feedback:

"Great to learn about school values. Valuable to learn about other religions and communities. "

"The school goals are invaluable and impressive."

"I am very happy with the way my kids are learning at St John’s. They really like coming to school and enjoy their studies. "

"The school values are important to my children because my religion (Islam) also share the same values. Very good school."

Overall, 96% of our parents strongly agree and 4% agreed that the school's values are important to their child's development.

EYFS and KS1 RWI workshops
We have had an incredible turnout for at all Read Write Inc Workshops with Reception, Year 1, Year 2 parents this week. Thank you to all of our parents for coming along,  participating in the stay and play and listening to our workshop information. We hope you feel empowered to support your child on their reading journey at home.


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