Champions of Worship

At St Chrysostom’s, the Champions of Worship are chosen at the start of every year – one representative from each class. The children meet regularly as a team, giving them the opportunity to lead and advocate for change and the children feel empowered to make their voice heard.

Collective Worship takes place daily and is an essential part of school life, allowing all school members to flourish. The Champions of Worship are included in the planning of Collective Worship and meet with the Head of School and the RE/CW lead at the start of each term. They look at the upcoming values and offer their ideas of important topics to discuss.

They are also included in the delivery of Collective Worship – they introduce the theme and welcome the community as well as leading the federation prayer.

Champions of Worship also take care of their class’s Reflection Book and make sure that it includes reflections on weekly collective worship and encourage other children in the class to contribute.

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