Modern Foreign Languages


Communication, Language and Literacy 

City Living 


Celebrating Diversity 

The learning of a Modern Foreign Language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for the pupils at SJC Federation, underpinned by our four cornerstones which we feel that our children need to succeed in life.

Pupils develop communication, language and literacy skills that lay the foundation for future life and learning experiences. The focus language taught across our school is French. Through teaching this language, along with celebrating the wide range of languages spoken across the federation, we celebrate the diversity that is a unique element within our schools.

The teaching of language, provides an opportunity for our already bilingual and EAL children to share their experiences of language use and structure and to celebrate the diverse nature of our schools. Exploring the many languages spoken within the City of Manchester we aim to raise awareness of the multilingual and multicultural city that we live in and introduce an international dimension to pupils’ learning.

We aim to provide the children with aspirations about language in order to stimulate and encourage children’s curiosity about language and to foster an interest in learning other languages, which may be needed within life as well as well as providing the children with an interest in travel.

We believe the teaching of a Modern Foreign Language helps to develop an awareness of cultural differences in other countries around the world and to extend language teaching beyond mother tongue learning.

Following the National Programmes of study alongside the Primary Language Network Schemes of work, we ensure that by the end of the end of KS2 children will be able to write a paragraph in French as well as to make cross-curricular links and have a good understanding of the French culture. 

We use Primary Language Network as a base from which to teach French to our KS2 children. We also make sure to include enrichment activities in and outside the classroom: taking children outside when learning about relevant objects including role play, re-enacting a French cafe and whole school French Culture days. 


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