Our Writing Curriculum- Our Pathway to Writing
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Writing Curriculum
At our Federation our pupils enjoy writing. Writing is a fundamental part of our curriculum. It is a powerful means of communication which builds on the spoken word. This vital skill is necessary to allow pupils to function, engage and contribute within our society. We have developed a bespoke mastery writing process built around text led units of work which develop vocabulary, reading and writing skills through a mastery approach. This process reflects research and includes formative assessment, which then informs which key writing skills need to be taught. In order to write successfully, children need to have core transcription skills (spelling and handwriting) therefore we ensure that plenty of time is given to developing and improving these skills. A comprehensive mix of shared, modelled and guided writing develops writing fluency and confidence.
We have high expectations in place around the vocabulary children use. Through the rigorous teaching of reading a wide range of vocabulary is collected and defined to be used in independent writing. We are aware of and celebrate the diversity of the community we are in and acknowledge that a focus on vocabulary is essential to build skills as 80% of our children have English as an additional language.
Furthermore, we ensure that: children are taught the key features of a wide range of different genres; children have opportunity to write independently; assessment for learning strategies are woven throughout and that cursive handwriting is expected and taught explicitly and frequently from Year 2. Throughout the whole process we strive to engage the interests of the children and to widen knowledge and experience of the wider world, further afield th an the immediate city environment. Writing is celebrated across the curriculum. We want all children to be proud of what they have achieved and our bespoke writing curriculum makes this possible.