Wellbeing Warriors (RRS)

St Chrysostom's is a Rights Respecting School.

As a rights respecting school at St Chrysostom's we follow the UNICEF UK Rights Respecting School Award (RRSA) programme. This is an award based on equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation.

As a Rights Respecting school we encourage the children and the school community to work together to learn about children’s rights and put them into practice everyday.

Rights Respecting schools are dedicated to putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) at the heart of our school ethos enabling all children to develop their abilities, interests and talents, allowing them to flourish and thrive while at St Chrysostom's. The UNCRC consists of 42 Articles, which are also known as rights. These are all rights which children should have.

The RRSA consists of 3 stages:

Bronze Stage – Rights Committed

Silver Stage – Rights Aware

Gold Stage – Rights Respecting

St Chrysostom's is proud to be at the Silver stage and we are on the journey towards Gold.

To support our students in accessing and promoting their rights, we have established the Wellbeing Warrior team within the school. This team convenes regularly to implement various projects both within our school and in collaboration with partner schools. Our recent initiatives have included the creation of a calendar, which was distributed to families across three schools, to promote children's rights at home. Additionally, we undertook a project that integrated the values of our school, Christian principles, and the rights of the child to create a mural that will be displayed in all three schools. More recently, we have composed prayers that reflect the values of our communities.


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